Sunday, August 14, 2011

Introduction to the Kiowa Leadership blog and History of Kiowa Tribe Government

The Kiowa Tribe is a plains tribe whose land spance was from what is modern day Canada to Mexico.  The first account of the Eurpeon was noted in a Lewis & Clark expedition.  

History of Selection of Leadership of the Kiowa Tribe
Based on tribal history the Kiowa Tribe did not have a "Chieftanship" society.  Instead the Kiowa Tribe was a militaristic society with warrior societies that selected their leadership.  The tribe according to history books had 10 warrior socieities and one elite warrior society in which those warriors selected the person they wanted to lead them.  The Ten Elite were the most highly respected warrior society and their leader was the the most respected.  The other warrior societies could individually choose to revenge a death or choose a war party to search out an enemy or raid or other reasons.  But the Ten Elite were only sent out by council of the Kiowa Tribe and when sent out it meant death.  These were the most daring warriors, ones that staked themselves to the ground giving their life for their Kiowa people.  However, the leader of this great warrior society was not the leader of the Kiowa Tribe.  Back then as it is today, it was council that had the ultimate decision.  Today it is in the Kiowa Tribe's constitution the Kiowa Indian Council that has the ultimate decision for the tribe.  
The Kiowa Tribe functioned as one body with many, many parts.  Many people writing history put the Kiowa warriors with other tribes defending the plains.  Kiowa warriors were a dominent tribe who feared no one, needed no other tribes to help them.  They seldom allied with others until the encroachment of the plains and in their resistance did however allie with tribes to protect the land.  The Kiowa Tribe had audacious warriors and leadership.  They resisted reservation life and prior to their contact with the invaders into their lands made no contact with them, no allies, no agreements.  They wanted to be left on the plains to live as they had always lived.
In later history, the US Government, the US Calvary and missionaries chose ones that they felt could speak for the Kiowas.  Some had learned "English" in their contact with a few missionaries and so much confusion was made in these "meetings" in which so much decisions were made for the tribe.  
 There were many requirements for these men's societies and each had their own.  Back then a man could not belong to all of them, he could only belong to one.  Today the tribe has metamorphed into a modern Indian tribe and has changed those requirements to supporting the society you would wish to.  The exception being Kiowa Black Leggings warrior society which is now a Veteran's society.  This is what once was, what set the stage for what later would become a "nation within a nation" the great Kiowa Tribe.

Modern Day Leadership  
In the early 1970's the government attempted to modernize the tribes by creating a guide for the tribes to operate their governments.  A basic guide was sent out to all the tribes and they picked persons to formulate these into "tribal constitutions" and be officially adopted by the tribes.  These constitutions would be recognized and henceforth, the tribe's were then operational with governing documents that would be specific guidelines.
The Kiowa Tribe in its constitution recognizes the ultimate government of the tribe as the Kiowa Indian Council.  The constitution established a committee with a "Chairman" to preside to over the business committe composed of officers and committeemen.  Their primary function is to approve and process instruction of the Kiowa Indian Council and give them representation to deal with other governmental entities, etc.  
Very little has been written about the Kiowa Tribe government since its inception back in the 70's. 
I am attempting to recognize the Kiowa Tribal Chairmen for the past 10 years only.  Later I will incorporate the chairmen from 1970-1990's.  Tribal committees and Chairmen are elected for 2 year terms.  There are requirements in the Kiowa constitution that regulate who may run for office.  Such as you have to be a tribal member, one in good standing, etc.  And the same requirements hold true for the other officers and committeepersons.
If you would like to read about the different tribal chairmen from 1986-2011.  A span of 25 years of leaders of the Kiowa Business Committee, the Chairmen of the Kiowa Tribe.